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tv   NEWS CH8 7PM  NBC  August 8, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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good evening. the bay area has dealt with a very soggy, gloomy day with big
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causing problems with flooding and we may be in with more tomorrow. steve jerve joins us in the forecast. >> some areas got up to 6 areas, plus. that's obviously causing some local flooding, additional rainfall would lead to further flooding in those areas. let's take a look at radar at the home. you can see the showers continue to fall around portions of the bay area. although most folks getting a break at the moment, those folks up north but a few break-out showers west of dade city, seeing a few showers. mostly light to moderate activity but a heavy shower passing the south part of lakeland at this point. farther south offshore rain. inland around arcadia a few showers as well. over 7 1/2 inches of rain at weeki wachee.
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some of these areas really needed rain but not this much in a short amount of time. as we look at the rainfall estimates, that white almost looks like snow, that's over a foot of rain estimated from doppler radar. you can see some of the coastal areas, maybe six inches of rain. that's a whole lot in a short amount of time. this is over a couple of days obviously. but we just missed the heavier amounts that sat just offshore. i guess in some ways it could be a lot worst than that. as a result of that heavy rain there citrus, hernando, levy county as well. pockets of heavy rain over already saturated ground. that's the big concern for additional rainfall leading to additional flooding that. goes for another 24 hours. then we'll see changes in the forecast. we'll talk about that later on, jen. >> i know there are people along the coast looking forward to whatever changes you're offering. >> dry would be the change. >> thank you, steve. several streets in pasco
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storms are on the way. janelle shows us what the county is doing to prepare. >> reporter: he woke up to several inches of water on gulf drive in newport richie. county officials say the worst is where a retention pond overflowed into the street. for sandbags around her home. >> we were prepared at the beginning of july when we had the last scare of rain so we already had the sandbags, but, yeah, we've got to get up, pick up all your carpets, move your furniture, rearrange your lives inside and pray it doesn't come in. >> we saw some of the models we were going to get 11-15 inches of rain, so we knew we needed to get way ahead of that.
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getting ahead of it and we only have a few neighborhood we're seeing problems with right now. >> reporter: there was a pump truck out here a little earlier. it has since gone for the day. residents tell me without it they would have to deal with this for at least two weeks. now they have to wait at least one week before this water recedes. reporting in pasco county, gentleman. passengers had a travel outage that forced the airline to ground all mary mcgwire joins us from tip national airport. >> reporter: passengers were hit with a one-two punch. the first was the massive delta outage that grounded so many flights across the globe. then the second was that inclement weather that the tampa bay area experienced that delayed so many flights. as you can see behind me, there's still people in line trying to rebook those travel plans. delta claims the outage was fixed at 8:30 this morning but
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long. >> i do not know what's going on. >> reporter: what a way to start off a new week. the friendly skies were not so nice to tens of thousands of delta passengers across the globe. as a computer outage grounded flights and left many people at tampa international scrambling to rearrange travel plans. >> i have a half hour layover in atlanta. so it appears i won't be making my next flight. >> reporter: the outage only lasted for about six morning, but it affected everything from the check-in computers to the airlines smartphone app, forcing the cancellation of more than 450 flights. >> it is what it is. there's nothing i can do with about it. if i can change it in any way, i'll help change it. if i can't, i have to accept it. >> reporter: the airline is blaming it all on a power outage in atlanta, which impacted computer systems and operations worldwide. now, in order to clean up this
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passengers to rebook their flights through friday in order to avoid a big travel headache. reporting in tampa, i'm mary mcguire, news channel 8. after the deaths of two teens a dangerous road is finally getting a sidewalk. both teens were hit and killed while walking to or from tenoroc high school along old dixie high school in polk county. the rush is on to finish that project. >> reporter: good evening. this is the busy stretch of roadway that students ar forced to walk on without a sidewalk. but not for much longer. >> we walked for about three years completely. >> reporter: that's when life changed for anna lee hernandez. her older brother, enrique hernandez, was walking to tenoroc high school along old dixie highway when a driver hit and killed him. >> he had big plans, going into the army and doing all this great stuff, but, i mean, he didn't make it through his senior year. didn't get to graduate and it
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walk on the edge of the pavement or along the shoulder. >> reporter: his death has prompted changes to this dangerous road. >> there was that kind of a public outcry for the need for the sidewalk, so the county commissioners opted to fund the three phases of the sidewalk. >> reporter: $2 million later, the project is almost done. even in the rain, crews are working around the clock to finish the sidewalk before the first day of school. >> six days a , this weekend. >> reporter: finally, giving students a safe place to walk. and this family a little peace that this won't happen again. >> my brother had to pass away for this to happen. it's really hard. >> reporter: the goal is to have the sidewalk finished by sunday right before the first day of school, which is on monday. in lakeland. tonight a 4-year-old is in critical condition. a car hit him in the middle of
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off of the the way. investigators believe the boy ran into the road into the path of the car. tonight, there are more cases of travel-related zika in the bay area and a new case of locally transmitted zika in south florida. that case is a person in palm beach county who recently traveled to the miami area. that means health officials are investigating now the 17 cases of the disease likely transmitted in new travel related cases. polk county has one. hillary clinton brought her attacks on donald trump to st. petersburg today. the former secretary of state was touting her job creation plan but also took aim at trump's economic plan saying he repackaged trickle down economics. she also said americans would lose jobs under trump. still ahead, it was the
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what were those red splotches on michael fell phelps arms? the answer comes from cupping. coming up. a patient becomes the first registered in the state of florida to receive marijuana and we were there when he got
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over the weekend michael phelps made quite the splash on social media. it was for purple spots on his arms and back. as john rogers explains, those marks come from an ancient chinese tech neck. >> reporter: those odd circles you saw came from cupping so i learned how it works. >> i'm going for the areas of
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miller, a triathlete. these glass cups create a vacuum to increase blood flow. doing so relaxes the muscles and helps athletes quickly rejuvenate. the cups are left from 2 to 15 minutes. if there's a lot of tensions or toxins in the muscles, dark hickeys can be left behind. >> you can't hide. if you have an issue you're going to see it. >> reporter: the hickeys can remain for days. >> does that hurt at all? >> it does not hurt me. >> reporter: miller has en by it. >> she's kept me injury free. there's some weeks i train 25 hours a week and i've not had a serious injury in all these years. >> reporter: it's a new technique becoming the newest -- an old technique becoming the newest sensation. do you watch tv on hulu? plus a glimpse at the role
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and here's a look at the current medal county in the rio
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a wall street today, the dow was down 14 points. the s&p 500 dropped 2 points and the nasdaq down almost 8. two retailers are getting in bed tomorrow. steinhof is buying mattress firm for $2 billion. they operate stores across africa, europe and asia but has be u.s. market. wal-mart has a plan to take on amazon in a big way. it's buying another online retail company, jet just launched 13 months ago. it gives customers discounts for buying in bulk or waving the right to return an item. at&t owes its customers some money. they'll pay out nearly $7 million in refunds to settle a
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company was cramming. that's an illegal practice that allows unauthorized third party charges on land line phone bills. some people were paying $9 a month for a bogus directory assistance service. at&t will also have to pay a $950,000 fine to the feds. the latest speculation about the upcoming iphone 7 confirms some of what we've already heard. a report out today from bloomberg says the new phone won't have but will have dual rear facing cameras. so here's how it works. the dual sensors capture color differently and then combine it into one supposedly sharper image. bloomberg also reports the home button will no longer be mechanical which could improve durability. apple will likely unveil the new iphone next month. the days of watching tv for free through hulu are coming to an end. over the next few weeks hulu
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programs. hulu typically offers several recent episodes of network tv shows for free with ads. now that service will move to yahoo and hulu will become a subscription only service. free shows were only available through hulu's website and the company says relatively few people have been watching that way. tonight, we're getting a look at a spacecraft that should be shuttling humans to the space station in a few years. it's called the dream chaser. designed by the sierra nevada denver. it's headed to california this summer for some preliminary tests. this mini sized shuttle can carry up to 7 passengers or cargo, and its designers say they learned a lot from its older, bigger sibling. >> that was a very specific goal of the team with this design from the very beginning is to address, take all those lessons learned from the shuttle, take the good that worked and apply it to our vehicle and upgrade it using
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the dream chaser is reusable to keep costs down and it's autonomous, meaning onboard computers control everything. the family of a brain injury victim is hoping medical marijuana will really change their loved one's life. he made history today as the first patient registered with the state of florida to officially receive the drug inand our own melanie michael was there. >> reporter: for richard murphy life has been a painful his wife says she saw him suffer daily seizures and crippling headaches from a traumatic brain injury. he was nearly killed in a car accident in 2014. the couple tells us they're hoping for a miracle in this medical marijuana spray. >> if it's okay for grandma and grandpa, it should be okay for everybody else. >> reporter: richard's wife maintains at first they were against medical marijuana andwanted nothing to do with it. over time, this hudson couple
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control seizures also controlled his life. >> with a brain injury, you lose so much of yourself. >> reporter: a company called surterra therapeutics makes the medical marijuana grown legally throughout the state, including in hillsborough county. >> we tried many things, and finally became available so we jumped at the chance. >> reporter: ultimately dr. avery is hoping this treatment will take the place of medications that richard murphy is currently taking. and as you can see, the construction on the dispensary for patients will get this treatment is already up and running. i'm melanie michael. in tampa tonight, news channel 8. 81 degrees right now. plantation crystal rivers still have tents set up and dark skies there. a southwest wind.
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the southwesterly flow. look at that, over 2 inches of rain here at frenchie's and clear water beach. at st. pete beach, 2 inches of rain, 80 degrees. the bulk of the folks along the coastal areas have seen the heavier amounts of rain. in tampa international, 4.17 inches. compared to last week we were below normal. not anymore. 2.23 inches above for the month. next few days temps will be cool because of the clouds. we don't like the flooding, heavy rain but nonetheless making up deficits in some areas but a little cooler in others. showers offshore. rain continues some spots further north. you can see down to brooksville, around lakeland you can see, further south got offshore rain, then just scattered across the southern sections. the forecast at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, 85.
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tomorrow, especially the northern spots. unfortunately the areas that did see the rain today, 79 degrees. pleasant in tampa. 81 degrees, rather st. pete. 81 degrees in tampa at the moment. the clouds, the showers really helped to hold down the temps today. the area of low pressure causing all this, taking advantage of our tropical moisture in place. the short-term carries the slight chance of rain in the forecast as we head throughout the morning hours so we can start to showers, especially in some of the northern areas around sunrise, around 7:00 in the morning. then the showers generallypushing inland. about a 70% chance which is above our normal chance. 85 degrees for a high as we head into wednesday. they're fairly high but slowly backing off as that big low pressure area you saw on the map moves away off to the northwest. as that moves further away, our rain chances return to more of
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the classic morning sunshine, afternoon storms, especially into friday. that same routine. >> i'll tell you, it was really weird looking outside along the hillsboro river where the station is located, it was so gray and gloomy. it could have been a winter day. just the way it looked so raw outside. >> and when it rains, it's very tropical. that atmosphere is loaded with water. it really comes down. >> gloomy, the word of the day. we'll be right back. stay with us. help get the kids back to school. >> it's almost time for the first day of school. and it's not just kids that have the first day jitters. i'm lindsey mastis and i'm going to show you what teachers
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during the summer olympics, we are taking some time every night to recap what's happening in the games and share some stories from olympic athletes. we call it the olympic zone and josh benson is here now with a preview of what's ahead at 7:30. >> that's right. good evening. it was an exciting weekend in rio for sure. several u.s. athletes took the podium as they received their medals. we will have exclusive interviews with two bay area athletes competing for the gold. >> thank you, josh very much. let's check in one time with steve jerve who recapping says it was rainy today, more rain tomorrow. >> yeah. definitely a possibility of overnight rain and morning rain. so watch for that, especially in those northern areas that have already flooded. 76 degrees for the evening. occasional pockets, things are relatively quiet. know the next 24 hours we could see on and off heavy rain. >> not a problem. you know what that means. perfect olympic watching weather. >> stay inside. >> thanks for joining us.
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? a great night. maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california-grown blue diamond almonds. ? of course, if you ask one of our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. president obama and vice president biden have endorsed patrick murphy for united states senate. the president says murphy's "fought to strengthen medicare and social security," and "protect a woman's right to choose."
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president obama says, "floridians can count on patrick murphy"
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now special coverage of the summer games at rio on news channel 8, this is the olympic zone. >> good evening, everyone. i'm josh benson. >> i'm jenn holloway. team usa got off to a golden start in rio. symptom of the stars of the team capturing the gold to bring it home. >> american eight gold medals. it was the exciting race for the men's freestyle relay, an emotional michael phelps won his 19th gold medal. >> and the united states will win gold in the free relay again. >> in the semifinals of the 200 meter butterfly in a few hours.


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